Listed below are a sample selection of Companies and Authorities for whom we have successfully carried out new and refurbishment contracts:-
Councils and Local Authorities:-
Birmingham City Council.
Bath & North East Somerset District Council.
Caerphilly County Borough Council.
Conwy County Borough Council.
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council.
East Staffordshire Borough Council.
Flintshire County Council.
Gloucestershire County Council.
Isle of Anglesey County Council.
Kent County Council.
Oxford City Council.
Runnymede Borough Council.
Somerset County Council.
Torfaen County Borough Council.
Valley Leisure.
Schools and Colleges:-
Bundell’s School.
Brynaston School.
Haberdashers Monmouth School for Girls.
King’s Bruton.
Marlborough College.
Millton Abbey School.
St. John’s School, Leatherhead.
St. Peter’s School, York.
Royal Agricultural College.
University’s of Bangor, Bath, Exeter, Glamorgan, Lampeter, and West of England.
Private Clubs and Health Centres:-
Cannons Health & Fitness Ltd.
Cardiff Squash rackets Club.
Center Parcs.
China Fleet Country Club Ltd.
D.C. Leisure Management Ltd.
Newport Squash Rackets Club.
St. Mary’s Priory Church, Abergavenny.
St. Mellons Hotel, Cardiff.
Tides Reach Hotel, Salcombe.
Westlands (Yeovil) Sports and Social Club.
Property Services Companies in respect of Armed Forces Locations:-
Amey Facilities Management Ltd.
Atkins Defence Asset Management.
D. and S. Engineering Facilities Ltd.
Debut Services (South West) Ltd.
Interserve (Defence) Ltd.
Midas Property Services.
W.S. Atkins (Services) Ltd.